What People Are Saying

Twin Flames: Everything you need to know!

Are Twin Flames Toxic? Twin flames are a concept that has made waves and gained popularity in recent years. Unlike soulmate theory, where two individual souls are complete already and find their match in another complete soul, twin flames are believed to be two halves...

Imbolc: Embracing the Dawn of Renewal and Brigid’s Eternal Flame

Imbolc: The End of Winter and the Return of Spring Imbolc, celebrated on February 1st-2nd in the Northern Hemisphere, stands as a pivotal moment in the Wheel of the Year, marking the second Sabbat and representing a significant festival in various Pagan traditions....

Exploring Esbats in Witchcraft

A Yearly Lunar Journey Witchcraft is a rich tapestry of traditions and rituals, with one of its key components being the celebration of lunar events known as esbats. These gatherings, often held in conjunction with the phases of the moon, are significant moments for...

The Science Behind Spirituality: Evidence-Based Benefits of Mindfulness, Meditation, and Prayer

Spirituality, an inherent aspect of the human experience, has been practiced and revered for millennia across diverse cultures. Today, as scientific inquiry expands its horizons, researchers are uncovering a wealth of evidence-based benefits associated with spiritual...

The Power of Keeping a Dream Journal

Unleashing the Hidden Gems of Your Subconscious Mind Dreams have long captivated human imagination and curiosity. From fantastical adventures to surreal encounters, dreams provide us with a glimpse into the mysterious realm of our subconscious minds. Keeping a dream...

Decoding the Mystical Language of Angel Numbers: Unraveling Their Spiritual Significance

In a world brimming with diverse belief systems and spiritual practices, angel numbers have garnered widespread attention as a mystical and intriguing phenomenon. For centuries, individuals have reported witnessing repetitive...

Unveiling the Mysteries: Understanding How Tarot Works

Tarot has captivated humanity for centuries, offering a glimpse into the realms of divination and spiritual guidance. Often seen as a tool for fortune-telling, tarot cards hold a fascinating allure for those seeking insights into the past, present, and future. But how...

The History of Tarot: Unraveling the Mystical Cards

Tarot cards have long been associated with mystery, divination, and the arcane. These intriguing decks of cards, adorned with colorful and symbolic imagery, have captured the imagination of people worldwide for centuries. From their humble beginnings as a simple deck...

Levelling up with the death tarot card

Let go, release, grow! Sometimes the act of letting go takes tremendous courage. It's not a failure or a form of 'giving up' - it's an act of radical self love that honours your agency and personal power. Is there something...

2022: Happy New Year!

Happy New Energies! ACTION: What are you working on this year? Are there any goals you wish to bring to fruition or negative cycles you're breaking? Anything you wish to release? Grab a pen and journal about it! And here we are: 2022 is underway! This is the year to...