
Zela Feraco

Zela Feraco is the Founder of Sky Garden Tarot, she is the Chief Spiritual Advisor and creator of the Nightshade Sanctum© Dark Goddess Priestess program and the Verdant Starweaves® energy technology channelled from the Sacred Grove. She is a world renown Tarot Reader, Psychic-Medium, Intuitive and Energy Healer. Zela practices a multi-generational hereditary craft which she has deepened through her formal studies in astrology, tarot, charm-casting and energy modalities and has trained with internationally-regarded spiritual experts. She holds certifications in holistic healing, transformation and spiritual alchemy, and is studying Psychological Astrology at MISPA.

Zela has a BSc in Psychology specialising in Neuropsychology, and a BSc in Biochemistry and Genetics. Her postgraduate qualifications include a BSc Medical Honours in Infectious Diseases and Immunology, and she earned her PhD in Medical Microbiology, where her research focus was tuberculosis. She has over 10 years of experience as a biologist and worked as a laboratory scientist before transitioning to management consulting, all the while embracing her true calling as a mystical mentor and wellness advisor. Her path as a scientist has elevated her holistic work through a deepened, authentic understanding of the nature of the Universe.

Zela founded Sky Garden Tarot to empower humankind and offer celestial guidance to individuals, spiritual healers, intuitives, mystics, seekers and spiritual leaders around the world. Her mentorship supports personal journeys of holistic healing and elevates the skillsets of professional spiritual healers to best serve humanity.

Sky Garden Tarot celebrates radical self-love, authentic self-expression and spiritual sovereignty and elevates the holistic and alternative lifestyle space. The mission of Sky Garden Tarot is to support the well-being of humanity by aligning souls with their true purpose. A key tenet of the Sky Garden Tarot ethos is the sacred protection of the natural environment and all its inhabitants, thus 10% of all profits are donated to animal, biodiversity and environmetal charities.


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Philosophy and Core Teachings

Personal Power

The Sky Garden Tarot ethos is that humanity has free will and choice, and that each soul can consciously and intentionally create their destiny as well as their reality. Zela’s holistic work aims to empower people to make high-vibe, self-loving choices, to step into their strength and to embrace soul liberation. The key is understanding what is in one’s control to change, and how to achieve this change through action. And for things that are beyond control, Zela helps people to reach acceptance and to develop their empowering sacred personal mythology. Zela’s methods place cycle-breaking at the centre of personal power, and her work serves to break harmful inter-generational, social and personal cycles, and where appropriate to challenge the energetic status quo and forge paths anew, changing personal trajectories to be in alignment with one’s highest good and soul’s true purpose.

Stepping into personal power means accepting accountability and seeing the truth, for this reason Sky Garden Tarot does not promote toxic positivity (which is gaslighting) and spiritual bypassing, both of which ultimately undermine personal power.

Tarot and Astrology for Growth and Development

Zela’s individual mentorship sessions use various spiritual tools to illuminate where individuals are currently on their personal journey to mobilize for manifestation, problem-solving and action and to create a flexible vision of a soul-aligned destination to strive for. While Sky Garden Tarot promotes radical self-love, there is always room for individual growth and spiritual development. Growth involves constant healing, maintenance and spiritual hygiene, and Zela’s expertise facilitates the process. Shadow work is a key tenet at Sky Garden Tarot, and Zela’s mentorship serves to support people through their personal evolutions.

An emphasis on growth is not a criticism of the present moment, which should always be viewed in context and with self-compassion, and with the self-loving aim of progress, not perfection.

Intentional Action

Sky Garden Tarot teaches that insight is nothing without action. Sessions with Zela outline ways in which a person can put knowledge into practice, and assist with strategizing and breaking larger tasks into practical steps. Personal power and personal growth are paramount, forming the alchemical basis in an action-oriented paradigm. It is through action that individuals become the cosmic-conscious architects of their lives.


Sky Garden Tarot’s ethos is one of inclusivity, Zela teaches that there is a space for everyone in this world, and that our diversity is to be safeguarded and celebrated. Individual all operate through different personal, socio-cultural and spiritual lenses and each of these are equally valid. Embracing all forms of uniqueness and resisting pressure to conform to a majority is an act of radical self-love in a world that persecutes outliers.

Sky Garden Tarot aims to support the path of free-will and individuality where it empowers the individual and does not cause harm to others or the environment.

Images in collaboration Mario Suleri Photography

Zela’s Reading Approach

Zela’s reading style draws heavily on her psychic gifts, her intuition, energy modalities, and her knowledge of the traditional interpretations of the Rider-Waite-Smith and Tarot de Marseilles systems.

She has an ever-growing deck collection, allowing her to select the most appropriate deck(s) to address a specific question. Zela often combines different tarot decks as well as oracle decks to gain deeper insight into the issue at hand. She uses traditional spreads as well as spreads of her own creation, and she known to devise and alter spreads to optimally address the question.

In addition to tarot, Zela is passionate about the simple symbolism captured by charms, and has extensive experience with charm casting as well as combining charms with tarot. She has expertise in tarot, astrology, charms, crystals and other modalities, and utilizes the transformative power of spellcraft and ritual.

Zela is constantly evolving her craft, always learning and expanding her knowledge and building her expertise. Currently, She is studying astrology to better support her readings, as well as the Thoth tarot and delving into the language of the runes.

Open chat
Need Guidance or Have Questions? Chat with Zela directly on WhatsApp! ✨🌷