Twin Flames: Everything you need to know!

Written by Zela Feraco

Zela Feraco is an internationally acclaimed witch, mentor and wellness coach.

January 23, 2024

Are Twin Flames Toxic?

Twin flames are a concept that has made waves and gained popularity in recent years. Unlike soulmate theory, where two individual souls are complete already and find their match in another complete soul, twin flames are believed to be two halves of the same soul, completing each other when they are united. While the idea of finding your other half can be incredibly romantic, the reality is twin flames connections can be quite challenging and, in some cases, even harmful to your emotional well-being.

Famous Twin Flames: Genesis P-Orridge and Lady Jaye

Famous Twin Flames: Genesis P-Orridge and Lady Jaye identified themselves as a single pandrogynous being named “Breyer P-Orridge.” They underwent physical transformations and surgeries as part of their Pandrogyne project, of this they said, “We started out, because we were so crazy in love, just wanting to eat each other up, to become each other and become one. And as we did that, we started to see that it was affecting us in ways that we didn’t expect. Really, we were just two parts of one whole; the pandrogyne was the whole and we were each other’s other half.”

Have you met your twin flame?

True twin flames are rare, and aligned, healthy twin flame connections are even rarer. The following characteristics are commonly associated with twin flames:

  1. Intense Connection

 One of the main characteristics of twin flames is an intense connection that is often described as electric or magnetic. This connection is not just physical, but spiritual and emotional as well. The intense connection means that you may have a strong feeling of familiarity or recognition when you first meet your twin flame – twin flames often report feeling as if they have known each other forever, even if they have only just met.

  1. Shared Purpose

 Twin flames are believed to share a common purpose or mission, which often involves spiritual growth and evolution. They may feel called to work together to make a positive impact in the world or to help others in some way. They may also feel an intense feeling of completeness when they’re together.

  1. Mirroring

 Twin flames often mirror each other in many ways, both positive and negative. This means that they may share similar personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and life experiences. This can lead to a deep understanding and empathy between the two individuals.

  1. Separation and Reunion

Many twin flame relationships involve periods of separation and reunion. These separations can be painful, but they are often necessary for both individuals to grow and evolve. The reunion phase is often marked by a deepening of the connection and a sense of coming home.

  1. Unconditional Love

Twin flames are believed to experience a love that is unconditional and all-encompassing. This love is not based on physical attraction or superficial qualities, but on a deep spiritual connection that transcends time and space. Flames have a feeling of being drawn to their twin despite any obstacles that may be in the way.

Shadowed twin flame relationships: Unaligned and toxic?

Twin flame relationships are desired because they are thought of as romantic and profound. However, this may only be case for ‘Aligned Twins ‘– those who have reached a maturity in their heart space and are ready for the commitment and work required for a healthy relationship, combined with the intensity of being twin flames. Many twin flames are not in the aligned phase of the connection, rather most are ‘unaligned twins’ or ‘shadow’ connections that are intense, tumultuous, and can undermine wellbeing. Unaligned twin flames may find themselves in intense arguments, conflicts, and power struggles, feeling like they are constantly being tested, which can be exhausting, emotionally draining and even toxic.

The idea of “mirroring” is one of the main challenges of the twin flame connection, as a twin flame will reflect back a person’s deepest fears, insecurities, and unresolved issues. While this can be a powerful tool for growth and self-awareness, it can also be incredibly painful and triggering. If a person is not ready, or does not have the emotional maturity required to cope with the mirroring or to leverage it for personal growth, then unalignment is a likely outcome.

The intensity of twin flame relationships can be overwhelming and may lead to codependency. When you believe that you have found your other half, it’s easy to become overly attached and dependent on that person. This can be dangerous, as it can prevent a person from developing a sense of Self and can lead to an unhealthy dynamic in the relationship. Aligned twin flames are confident in their individuality, deciding to be with their twin flame not out of need (or incompleteness), but rather out of choice.

The separation and reunion characteristic of twin flames may also manifest as repeating cycles of a painful “running-chasing” dynamic. This involves phases when one partner does not want to be in the relationship (the ‘runner’), often because of the shadow aspect of twin flame connections (for example the mirroring and intensity) or because of timing in their life’s journey (e.g. wanting to focus on their career or doesn’t want a serious relationship), while the other person desires to be in the relationship at all costs (the ‘chaser’). The people in a twin flame dynamic may switch the runner and chaser roles at different times of their lives. If the runner-chaser dynamic is never resolved, then this can be a particularly challenging and oftentimes toxic twin flame relationship.

The twin flame concept is that it places a lot of pressure on individuals to find their perfect match. This can lead to feelings of disappointment and self-doubt if you haven’t found a twin flame connection yet. It can also make you overlook potential partners who may be a better fit for you in this lifetime

Twin Flame Alignment

True cases of twin flames that are in alignment are extremely rare. This connection is one where the twin flames have worked through the shadows and challenges of being twin flames and have reached emotional maturity. In these cases, being together promotes wellness, both partners consent to the relationship and are committed, loving and kind communication has been established, and boundaries are both voiced and respected. Usually this is the culmination of the two flames’ intertwined journeys through multiple lifetimes together.

Paradoxically, the catalyst of alignment is often that both flames have previously walked away from the connection when it was not in alignment, finding instead true self-love and focusing on individual goals, healing and wellbeing. Even for twin flames, the best thing for both partners in shadowed, unaligned connection may be to walk away and wait for alignment in another lifetime. No relationship, even twin flame connections, should undermine a person’s wellbeing and nobody should ever be ‘forced’ to be in a relationship no matter their history or the intensity of the connection or the desire of the other partner to work things out (i.e. it is important to break the runner-chaser cycle).

The challenge of catalyzing alignment is that the flames have to surrender to the fact that it may not be in this lifetime that they are reunited with their twin, hence the rarity of aligned twins: because it requires a deep selflessness and a willingness to love from a distance rather than in toxic connection, The basis of this is a profound maturity in heart space rooted in self-love, and is the culmination of intense self-work, healing and personal growth. Aligned twin flames are rare because it demands that they have relinquished control and decided in the past to walk away from the person who is their twin – it is a major delay of gratification that is especially difficult for twin flames, however, it brings alignment in the future: making the period of separation and grieving worth it for the healing and personal growth that follows.

How mystics may be enabling toxic relationships with the concept of twin flames

Many ethical tarot readers, psychics and spiritual practitioners help their clients navigate their relationships and find true love using their spiritual tools. However, some practitioners, oft unknowingly, perpetuate harmful and toxic relationships by promoting the concept of twin flames without explaining or disclosing the shadow side of these connections.

While twin flames may sound romantic and appealing, it can be incredibly damaging to some believers if they do not fully comprehend the full picture and the challenges of these connections. Twin flame theory can create an unhealthy obsession with finding the “perfect” partner, and can cause people to stay in toxic and even abusive relationships in the belief that their partner is their twin flame.

Ethical spiritual practitioners will be honest about the challenging nature of the unaligned twin flame dynamic and provide guidance that promotes healthy relationship practices that prioritize well-being. This means that an ethical practitioner should be able to help to identify when a twin flame connection is in alignment or not and, where necessary, be willing to compassionately deliver news that the client may not want to hear. An ethical practitioner will clearly explain the characteristics of unaligned/shadow connections and use their tools to help define a way forward that promotes self-love and heart space healing. The goal of any reading should enhance wellbeing by empowering people to make the best choices for themselves.

While the concept of twin flames can be alluring, true twin flame connections are uncommon, and aligned twin flames are extraordinarily rare. It is important to remember that relationships are complex and multifaceted, and there are many different types of soul connections – hence there is no need to fixate only on twin flames. The focus should always be on self-love and building healthy, supportive relationships with individuals who respect and love you for who you are. By doing so, you’ll be creating a foundation for lasting happiness and fulfillment.

Written by Zela Feraco

Zela Feraco is an internationally acclaimed witch, mentor and wellness coach.

January 23, 2024


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